Raw material brokerage

Sitos, logiciel de gestion de cabinet de courtage en matière première agricole.

DATAMOD has been able to assert its expertise in the brokerage sector by developing SITOS, the leading brokerage software for earth products (trading in cereals, oilseeds, oils and fats, dairy products, cakes and proteins, etc.).

DATAMOD remains a neutral and independent company that guarantees strict respect of professional secrecy. The diversity of our clientele enables us to offer you ranges with innovative solutions adapted to your needs in the agri-food brokerage sector.

Our Offer


Productivity gains




Cost reduction


Simplicity and flexibility

SITOS supports you in the administrative management of your commodity and transport contracts for your agricultural commodity brokerage firm

Advantages of SITOS :

˃ Complete management of the brokerage
˃ Flexibility of settings User-friendly,
˃ Customisation of documents in all languages
˃ Traceability of operations

A complete module for managing futures markets

SITOS is constantly evolving and allows you to optimally manage your futures markets.

Thanks to our integrated module, you can now :

˃ Create each futures market with its own characteristics (maturities, mark-ups, etc.),
˃Associate a futures market with a commodity contract (by maturity),
˃ Carry out batch exchanges and their follow-up in a secure and intuitive way thanks to an ergonomic follow-up table,
˃ Send automated confirmation emails to buyers and sellers involved in these exchanges.

Our numbers


Different actors in the agri-food sector

% of the market for agricultural commodity brokers

years of collaboration on average

DATAMOD : software publisher and service provider.



   Company Number 14312912

  Phone : 0044 24 76 98 02 69

   Email: contact@datamod.shop