
medico-social management solutions.

DATAMOD is historically established within ESATs (establishments and services for assistance through work), sometimes still called CAT (centres for assistance through work).

Among our many clients located throughout France, we equip structures that are as different as they are complementary.
As an expert in the development of medico-social management solutions and adapted stays, DATAMOD has expanded its offer over the years.

Today, we guarantee you complete, communicating solutions adapted to the management and monitoring of all your medico-social establishments in the public or private sector

Our range of products


Our ALIZÉ software assists you on a daily basis in monitoring the file of the person being cared for.
Its modularity, combined with its numerous functionalities, allows you to centralise very simply all the information necessary for the smooth running of your establishment.

Whether you wish to optimise the administrative, medical or social aspects of the user’s file, monitor absences, carry out the invoicing of all your structures (FAM, residential homes, hostels) and much more, ALIZÉ provides you with the most appropriate solution.

The advantages of ALIZE :

˃ Autonomy,
˃ Complete and flexible
˃ Better organisation
˃ Facilitates your cash flow



CALLISTO, accounting management software for public sector institutions (M22, M21).

The advantages of  CALLISTO :

˃ Complete budget monitoring chain
˃ Management of third parties, expenditure, income, supporting documents
˃ Regular legal updates (CHORUS PRO portal)
˃ Interfaced with the Treasury software ‘HELIOS’ and the DGFIP tool ‘Xémélios


ZÉPHYR is a commercial management CRM for public establishments in the adapted work sector.
Our software supports you on a daily basis in monitoring the commercial activity of your ESAT: production, services, green spaces, garage, laundry, packaging, reprography, etc.

It allows you to control your management costs by monitoring your activity at all levels: sales, purchases, stocks, manufacturing, services.

The advantages of ZEPHYR :

˃ To monitor the commercial chain of the workshops,
˃ Control your stocks and supplies
˃ Pull out the end-of-year tax certificates (hour th equivalence),
˃ Remain flexible and responsive to your customers’ requests.


EURUS supports you in the management and monitoring of fixed assets in your medical-social establishment.
From the recording of your fixed asset records to the calculation of depreciation tables, there is only one click away…

The advantages of  ZEPHYR :

˃ Easy to use,
˃ Detailed monitoring of assets,
˃ Numerous reports (disposals, assets, etc.)
˃ Interface with mobile solution


Specially designed for the processing of the pay slip of disabled workers (ESAT and EA), NOTOS will successfully handle all your requests.

Data entry of workers, calculation of pay slips, editions of charges and regulatory documents will be carried out in a simple and intuitive way.

The advantages of NOTOS :

˃ Automatic link with the ASP site (XML file sent),
˃ Dematerialisation of bulletins (issue of treasury file),
˃ Extraction of queries for social balance sheet,
˃ DSN phase 3 compatible.


HEGOA is your solution for SMTP teletransmission to health insurance funds (CPAM, MSA etc.)
Our software supports you on a daily basis. From user follow-up to the transmission of CPAM flows (which is generated by the invoicing of our other software ALIZÉ), HEGOA provides you with the most appropriate solution.

Les atouts de HEGOA :

˃ Reliability,
˃ Transport safety.

Our Medico-social numbers

% loyalty rate

% of Research & Development

of ESATs in the PUBLIC sector equipped

DATAMOD : software publisher and service provider.



   Company Number 14312912

  Phone : 0044 24 76 98 02 69
