Découvrez notre logiciel pour les séjours adaptés

In response to the numerous requests expressed in the adapted stay sector, DATAMOD offers you SÉJOUR IP, a software entirely dedicated to the organisation of your adapted stays. It is a solution designed to support you in your daily tasks.
Our offer is scalable and can be adjusted according to your needs.

Our Offer

  Sejour IP

  • Productivity gains 84% 84%
  • Securing 92% 92%
  • Cost reduction 78% 78%
  • Simplicity and flexibility 94% 94%


Medical and social management solution and adapted stays

Our solution assists you in the administrative management of activities and holidays adapted to the disabled.
Developed in partnership with associations of adapted holidays, its functionalities allow you to centralise the necessary information and to manage your adapted holidays entirely.

Whether you want to optimise the management and organisation of your holidaymakers’ stays, registrations, staff, budget or automatically publish your declarations, estimates and invoices from the registration stage and much more… SEJOUR IP provides you with the most appropriate solution.

The advantage of Séjour IP

  ˃  Complete management of holidaymakers (complete file, contacts related to the holidaymaker, stay history),

  ˃ Management of stays (participants, supervisors, age, autonomy, rates, accommodation),

  ˃ Registration management,

  ˃ Management of supervisory teams (recruitment, assignment),

 ˃ Automatic edition of the declarations of stays and additional forms
(CERFA N°12672*03), 

 ˃ Management of the transport of holidaymakers (convoying, pre-routing, management of vehicles and hirers, waybills, etc.),


 ˃Automatic sending of departure notices,

 ˃ Devis et facturation automatique à partir de l’inscription,

 ˃ Interface with the accounting system,

 ˃ Management of the budget of the stays,

Our ADAPTED STAY numbers

stays/year with IP STAY

% increase in customer satisfaction

Modules in the IP STAY software

DATAMOD : software publisher and service provider.



   Company Number 14312912

  Phone : 0044 24 76 98 02 69
